Family Friday {Molly}

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/16/17 8:32 AM
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Most of the time we post about matches on Family Friday, but today I want to tell you about Molly. I have taken photos of Molly on 3 different occasions. The first time was in September of 2015. She came bouncing into the room and we all smiled. She was cute and spunky and had that little spark that makes a child really stand out. It was our first time visiting that SWI and we were not sure yet if a partnership would be established between Gladney and the SWI.

The next time we visited the SWI we had a partnership established and we knew we would get the chance to help find families for some of the adorable children we met. Again, Molly bounced and giggled her way right into our hearts. She would copy English words and cover her little mouth when she laughed. We knew she would be such a blessing to her family!

This week I got to see Molly again. This time she visited at my home with her family. She is learning English and learning how to be a daughter and a sister. And she is learning that families are forever. We did a lot of fun things together. I found out that ice cream and chocolate are great motivators for Molly. And one evening I got to take photos of her. Photos of her with her family. Her eyes sparkled and she much preferred the jumping and action shots to the posed shots.

I look at little Molly and know that it is all so worth the time, the effort, and the waiting. This child is definitely worth the wait. There are so many other little sweeties waiting for their families! You can see our waiting children from China here. We would love to speak with you about starting the adoption process today! Email us at for more information.

Topics: Superkids, matched, Uncategorized, China

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