Donald {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/20/17 6:55 AM
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Donald took a while to warm up. He looked as if he was sizing all of us volunteers up. He was shy and quiet. Even when he was given Legos, he carefully inspected the box and looked at the instructions before diving into them.
After putting together his Lego set, he showed us his competitive side. He was asked to do some tasks from the volunteers and he wanted to do it better than them.  Such as throwing and catching a ball to walking backwards to skipping; all done with such perfection. 
The caregiver said that every morning he looks in a mirror and says he’s “handsome.” And boy is he right; from his long eye lashes to his perfect smile.  Donald’s full of confidence, but can you blame him?
Donald is a 7 year old boy with minor needs. Could this handsome guy be your son? Contact Mary Chapman at for more information.

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized, Waiting Child

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