Sweet Baby Lisa

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/28/17 10:37 AM
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Update 6/29: I love this community we are part of! Yesterday morning we posted Lisa's post hoping that a family would see how amazing she is and step forward to adopt her. We have had so many inquiries that we worked late last night just to get everyone answered! We are very hopeful that she will be matched quickly. At this point we are creating a list of backup families for her but not sharing her file further. Thank you all!

Lisa is a 1 year old baby girl and part of me wants to just let her gorgeous little pictures speak for themselves, but I'm guessing you might want to know a little more about her than that.

So first off, she is breathtakingly gorgeous. I mean really.

She has had corrective surgery for a meningocele. Her surgery was done in Shanghai and she appears to be doing very well. She is crawling and can pull to a stand though she is not yet walking. She sits independently and claps her hands in time to music. Her file specifies that she is very smart. It also says that her favorite toy is a pink zebra. That just makes me smile. It looks like food makes her smile!

Lisa is on a special diet because she is lactose intolerant. She is growing better now that they changed her diet.

For information on Lisa please contact us at superkids@gladney.org. I can't wait to find thus sweet baby's family!

Topics: Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China

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