
Posted by Superkids Team on 7/5/17 8:57 AM
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Meredith is a little girl with an old soul. She was very mature for her young age of 9; presenting herself with great confidence and dignity.  
One could tell just from looking at her with her cute pink glasses and matching yellow polka dot and pink shirt that her outfit was handpicked for this occasion. She spoke softly yet with great assurance, even showcasing a few English words she knew. She was sensible, perceptive, and intuitive. Yet she was very humble when given a compliment.
When given the task of drawing anything she wanted to draw, she was very meticulous in drawing just the right picture and took her time to think about what to draw. She finally settled for a picture of herself, which included her cute glasses.  Once the picture was done she even took the pencil and finished it off by signing her name.
Could bright little girl be your daughter? Contact Mary Chapman at  for more information.

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized, Waiting Child

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