Sweet Morrie came into the room to meet us and was a little shy and quiet at first. After he figured out that we had fun games to share, he warmed up. He was amazing at the matching game! He also made sure that he was able to complete the picture he was coloring – he was intentional about taking his time and doing a good job of staying in the lines.

Morrie told us that he likes to play the “ghost chasing” game with his friends at kindergarten. This is a popular game for kids in Taiwan – someone pretends to be a ghost and chases all the humans, trying to catch them. Morrie told us proudly that he is always a human. He also told us that his favorite color is orange, he likes eating candy and cookies, and drawing.

Morrie will be turning 7 years old in September. When we met with Morrie in April, he was wearing a patch over his glasses to help with his strabismus. His profile discusses some potential additional needs.

We are happy to share his full profile – please reach out to Taiwan program caseworker Mary Chapman at