Misty {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 7/27/17 9:53 AM
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Meet 6 year old Misty! She is an active, happy, and considerate little girl. Misty has been living with her foster family for several years and her foster mom told us that she is a “great child”! She told us that Misty is usually cheerful and can easily be cheered back up if she gets upset. 
Gladney Superkids
Misty likes rolling skating, riding a bike with training wheels, dancing, and playing with her foster sister. And she loves dogs! During our meeting she was proud to show off a photo album she brought that showed her dressed up for dance performances.  
Misty has significant delays and only says a few words. She also has astigmatism, hyperopia, and amblyopia – she usually wears glasses but forgot to bring them with her the day we met. She currently attends kindergarten at a school that is well equipped to handle her needs. 
Could Misty be your daughter? Please email Mary Chapman at  mary.chapman@gladney.org for more information on Misty. 
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Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption

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