
Posted by Superkids Team on 8/25/17 9:50 AM
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Are you ready for this? You are about to meet 4 year old Jordan!

Cute, huh?
We met Jordan in October of 2016. He had only been at the orphanage for a few days at that point. It was easy to see that he is a special little guy. He is bright and engaging. He is super cute, and he did each thing we asked him to do with ease. He carried on comprehensive conversations with our Mandarin speaking team members. So you can imagine our delight when we saw his file is nearly completed and we can begin advocacy for him!
Jordan's file indicates that he may fall on the autism spectrum. The file also indicates that he is very smart and advanced beyond his peers in many areas. It states, "He is the prince in our institute."
Is anyone looking to adopt a little prince? Could this sweet little guy be your son? Please contact us at for more information.

Topics: Superkids, Uncategorized, Waiting Child, China

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