Meet Hosea

Posted by Superkids Team on 9/18/17 8:06 AM
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Let's start this week off with another cute-as-a-button little boy. Meet Hosea!

Gladney Superkids

He is almost 5 years old and is described as a "good boy with bright eyes who is very cute when he smiles." sounds pretty adorable, right?


Hosea likes to try to juggle. I sure would love to see that! He has significant CHD (CTGA, PDA, PFO, VSD). He has already had the FONTAN procedure and the GLENN surgery.

Gladney Superkids

Hosea walks independently, but tires quickly if walking for a long distance. He can jump and go up and down stairs. He speaks in simple sentences and understands instructions. He is just starting Kindergarten and is doing well in class.

This sweet little guy needs a family to care for him and help him reach his full potential! please contact us at for more information.

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