You know how Taiwan has privacy laws about showing a child's full face? Well, I have never been more tempted to just post a child's pictures than I am right now. My goodness! This little guy is soooooo cute! Be sure you join our Taiwan Advocacy Facebook group so that you can see his photos in the closed group!

Aaron just turned 3. He was born prematurely and was in the hospital for a while after his birth. He is now in foster care and sounds like a healthy little guy. He is receiving some appropriate therapies.
He is described as a sensitive child who prefers more quiet activities. He enjoys helping his foster father feed the family dog and the baby lambs (mind blown as i think of the cuteness factor involved here!)
In order to consider a family for this adorable (trust me!) little guy we need a family to have a homestudy. It does not need to be written specifically for Taiwan, but we do need current homestudy. To find out more about little Aaron and to see his pictures please contact Mary chapman at
We hope to be able to meet little Aaron when superkids visits Taiwan in November.