Darnell {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/10/17 8:14 AM
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Darnell is a healthy 9 year old boy waiting for his forever family. He is described as being polite with a personable nature, and as someone who always takes care of others including small animals. His foster mother also states that he is sentimental and enjoys collecting things that bring him happiness. Doesn’t he sound like such a sweetie?!
Darnell works hard at school and always gets good remarks from his teachers. He sometimes needs a little extra assistance with certain subjects, including math. He gets along well with his peers and enjoys participating in group activities.  
As a reminder, we can’t share photos publicly of a child’s full face, but we do have photos of Darnell that can be shared privately! There is a photo of him in a football uniform, dressed up as a pilot, and posing with a cow – trust me when I say he has got some amazing photos! Join  out Taiwan Advocacy Facebook group to see pictures!
Could Darnell be your son? Please contact Taiwan Program Caseworker, Mary Chapman, at mary.chapman@gladney.org to review Darnell’s full profile.
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