Taiwan Day 3

Posted by Superkids Team on 11/7/17 9:59 AM
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It never stops being amazing to see the little ones come in. Their bright, dark eyes looking up at you. Some are shy, others look at you and those little eyes sparkle. And each one is amazing. Each one in their own way. The older boys who show off their English and put together Lego sets really fast, all the while watching you out of the corner of their eyes to make sure you are still watching them. The baby repeating a word unexpectedly. It is amazing.

It is amazing, seeing the difference in children seen 6 months or a year ago, toddlers now striding around, jumping and kicking balls. Elementary aged children who have learned a new skill, and are suddenly looking more grown up.

And then there is the fun of meeting new children. The little girl whose beauty takes your breath away, and who makes you laugh with her love for a silly little giraffe mask.  The baby boy who surprises you with everything he can do over and over. The surprise of seeing a child you had known previously, but had not expected to see. Every one of those little moments is amazing.

Our days here are filled with amazing moments. But some of those moments are amazing in a sad kind of way, because these little kiddos are each little individuals with their individual heart breaking stories and difficult pasts. And we hear them and determine to stand with them and ease some the pain of their past by providing hope for their future.

Today was amazing.

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan, Uncategorized

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