All I want for Christmas...
An update on a special young man who is waiting for a forever family. The Superkids team first met Mark in May 2016, and so much change and development has happened since then! Nonetheless, he still remains his giggly, glasses sliding down his nose, fun-loving ten-year-old self.
Mark holds a dear part of my heart as he was the first child we saw on my first Superkids trip! And wow, seeing him on this past trip left me speechless! How grown up he looks from when we saw him last fall! From that little guy that was playing hide and seek and pretending to drive me around on a "bus" to a now strapping 10 year old boy, almost as tall as me! His love for the bus and subway system is advancing. In place of pretending to be a driver he is now enjoying memorizing the routes. He is always up for an adventure. It’s no surprise that PE is his favorite school subject. Have you ever tried to do sit-ups while laughing? Well, Mark managed to do 20. Mark enjoys helping with the orphanage garden, playing ball and he is always up for a good game of Chinese chess.
Mark has had hand surgery in the past to remove an extra digit and has residual limitations. He also has some global delays and will benefit from an academic program with socioemotional supports.
Mark is one amazing young man that is sure to bring smiles everywhere he goes. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could tell Mark on our next SK trip that we have a family for him?! Contact Taiwan Program Caseworker Mary Chapman at for more information on Mark and adopting from Taiwan.