All I want for Christmas...
Can't you just see her ripping the paper off of gifts, laughing at the ribbons and bows, grabbing ornaments off the tree... This could be a reality for Rebecca by next Christmas.
Rebecca is 13 months old and has CHD (VSD). She has surgery in April of 2017 and since then her development has really taken off! She is now sitting and rolling. She responds to her name and can feed herself small finger foods. If you do not pay attention to her when you enter the room she will babble to get your attention.
She likes to be held and get jealous if the caregivers hold the other babies in the room. When someone pays attention to her, her whole face lights up with a smile. She needs a family so that she gets all of the love and cuddles her little heart desires, don't you think?
We need a family whose dossier is nearing completion for this little sweetheart. Could that be you? Please contact us at for more information.