MATCHED !! Archie {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 1/4/18 11:01 AM
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Archie s a handsome 9 year old boy who describes himself as a considerate child. His foster mom agrees with him saying that even when his peers do something unkind to him he tries to explain away their behavior so that they will not get in trouble.

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Archie has cortical dysplasia but does not have seizures. He has a little bit of weakness on his right side, but it does not affect him in daily life.

Gladney Superkids

His favorite class in school, where he is in the 3rd grade, is computer class. His least favorite class is Mandarin. He does well in school.

Gladney Superkids

He has a younger foster brother whom he loves and helps to care for. His foster mother says he is a very sweet, easy going little boy.

Could he be your son? Please contact for more information.

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