Meet John!

Posted by Superkids Team on 1/22/18 10:24 AM
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My personal favorite memory of John involves the throwing and catching of balls which he thought was hilarious. Especially when he threw balls and I failed to catch them.

Gladney Superkids

John is 9 years old and has cerebral palsy that involves some involuntary movement. He walks, runs, and jumps. He can feed and dress himself. He likes to play outside and especially loves to swing.

He has very strong connections with his caregivers in The Butterfly Home. He takes his time learning to know people, but forms deep connections with time.

Gladney Superkids

He has difficulty communicating, but he says mama and can communicate when he wants to eat. He understands simple instructions.

John is very loved in the Butterfly Home and they are very hopeful that a family will see him and fall in love with him as they have.

Gladney Superkids

Please contact us at for more information about this great little guy!

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