Meet Edmund!

Posted by Superkids Team on 1/26/18 9:30 AM
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Look at this cute baby boy! He looks like he needs a mommy to hold him and cuddle him, doesn't he?

Gladney Superkids

This is Edmund. He is 2 years old and his file indicates that, even hough he doesn't talk much yet, he likes to have interaction with people and will babble when someone speaks to him.

He has post-operative CHD and hand deformities. He sits independently and crawls, but is not yet walking. He picks up small objects such as snacks with his hands and can feed himself finger foods.

Gladney Superkids
Look at that cute smile!

He knows his name and understands what no means (sounds like something a 2 year old needs to know). He puts blocks into a cup then dumps them out. He likes playing with small toys such as blocks.

This sweet little guy needs a family who will get the medical care he needs and support him as he catches up developmentally. Please contact us at for more information on how to make him your son!

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