New files just hit the database! We always get super excited when this happens. It means that we have the privilege and honor to do our best to find families for 10 more children. The youngest child in this group just turned 1, the oldest is 10.
Each of them are precious, amazing, beautiful in their own right. Each of them need families. And for the next few months we will be telling you everything we can about them. You can help in the quest, this most amazing and sacred quest of ours. The quest to find the perfect family for each of these children. Look into their little eyes. Ask yourself if they are your child. Share their pictures and ask your friends to really see them. Really see them for the precious little individuals they are.
We have already introduced some of these children. Now we can advocate in earnest.
Today I'm introducing you to Randal. This little cutie is only 1 year old! His file states his special need is postoperative malrotation of intestine. He is doing so well since his operation that his file is designated special needs. This means that a family needs to have a dossier logged in or completed to be matched with him.
He is crawling and walking with assistance. He understands simple instructions and is described as a happy, curious little boy. His files states in several places that he loves to laugh and laughs easily. Someone scoop this baby up! Can you imagine his little laugh ringing through your home? Contact us at for more information.