Are you ready for this? Two boys, brothers, both smart and funny and polite. What is not to love?!
We have posted about Mel & Milton before, you can read that post here. These amazing brothers are still waiting for their family to see them.

Mel is 13 years old. he told us he likes to draw, so we asked him to draw something for us. He quickly drew this soaring bird while we watched in amazement. This was just a quick sketch. This boy really does like to draw!

He wants to be a chef when he grows up. And he especially likes to bake cookies. His favorite books to read are the Harry Potter books. Is anyone else thinking he sounds pretty awesome?

Milton is 9 and is a lively, active little guy. When we asked him what he wants to be when he grows up he didn't really answer the question, but he told us his brother wants to be a chef... and he wants to be with his brother. When we last saw him he brought the Lego set we had given him the time before when we were there. He was so proud to show us that it was all put together and that he still had it.

Neither of these boys have a medical diagnosis. There only real "need" is that they are older boys. Think about that. Think about boys this age that you know and how much they need parents. Ask yourself if you, or someone you know could be the right family for these amazing boys.
Please contact Mary Chapman at for more information.