Kayla just turned 5 and she is described as a quiet little girl who is very attached to her caregivers. She has cerebral palsy and is unable to walk without assistance, but she can use her hands well. She feeds herself and can hold a crayon to color.

She enjoys listening to stories and looking at books, especially books with pictures of children in them. She likes to watch cartoons and play with adult's phones. Sounds like a 5 year old, doesn't it?

She understands what is said to her and is able to express her needs. She doesn't really like to talk to strangers, but she warms up after a short time. She shares her toys with the other children and sometimes shares snacks with younger children.
Kayla is a sweetheart! And she is waiting for her family to see her! For more information please contact us at superkids@gladney.org.