We are so excited to announce our #SKTaiwanApril2018 trip! We leave on April 21st and plan to be in Taiwan for a week. We will be introducing our team as it gets closer to departure time, but suffice it to say we are all super excited to be going to Taiwan!
Our Taiwan program has been growing and expanding and one of our favorite things about this trip is that we will be seeing, and taking care packages to, more matched children than we have ever seen before on a Taiwan trip! It doesn't get better than that!
As usual we need some items to take with us for the children. They really count on the Lego sets we take each time. Some of the older children start looking for them as soon as they come into the room! We want to take some simple little Duplo sets for the younger children this time too.

We are also taking some projects for the older children to do. We are hoping to help them make little flip photo books using our photo printer. Another project we want to try is calming glitter bottles (because we are gluttons for punishment and want to travel internationally with glitter) . These are super simple to make and provide a calming sensory experience for children.
Anyway, on to the how you can help part:
You can see our Amazon Wish List HERE.
We are collecting pretty hair bows, bands, etc. If you want to send some in addition to the ones listed on Amazon please contact Erin at erinmrtn@yahoo.com.
It would also be fun to take scarves and small hats and other small "dress up" items. Please contact Erin if you have anything along those lines you want to donate.
Thank you all in advance! We always know we can count on you to help us make these trips successful and fun!