We are introducing Odin today. He is a cute little 4 year old boy who was born prematurely.

Unfortunately his file is pretty outdated, we are seeking an update, but in the meantime we want to tell you what we know about him!

He was almost 2 when his file was prepared. At that time he was taking steps independently. He was crawling and climbing and apparently loved playing in his walker. He was saying mama and understood what was said to him. So it sounds like his development was good for a 2 year old!

His personality is described as happy and sunny. He loved to be snuggled and would reach out his arms to beg to be held. He sounds like such a sweetheart!

If he was doing this well at 2 I'm guessing he is really doing well at age 4! We will keep you all updated if we receive updated information!
For more information please contact us at superkids@gladney.org.