Addressing The Orphan & Foster Care Crisis

Posted by Bill Porter, M.Ed. on 5/28/18 2:00 AM
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CAFO Summit

Last week I had the wonderful opportunity of attending the Christian Alliance for Children (CAFO) Summit in Frisco, Texas.  While I was there, it was great to see the Christian churches’ response to the problem of child welfare around the world. 

CAFO is organization that unites 190+ respected organizations and over 650 church members in effort to live out effectively the Bible’s call to care for orphans and vulnerable children.  It was inspiring to see how the Christian church and its leaders are coming together to give hope to the “least of these."

Orphan & Foster Care CrisisAddressing the orphan and foster care crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time.  This burden cannot be relegated to the state, or even to organizations alone.  This burden is something that we all must carry together.  CAFO is the perfect representation of that.  Individuals and churches, who technically have little vested interest in this cause, are seeing the need and stepping up. 

Thank you CAFO for truly being part of the solution.    

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