Meet Adeline! Adeline is an adorable little girl who recently celebrated her 8th birthday and finished the 1st grade! Adeline is similar to many other 8-year-olds in that she is energetic, outgoing, and enthusiastic. She likes playing with dolls and she shares that her favorite colors are green, red, and pink - but she dislikes white! We can tell that Christmas time is going to be her holiday! Green and red galore! Her other hobbies include drawing and outdoor activities such as playing in the water. Sometimes Adeline expresses overly excited behavior. Her foster parents are working to teach her the importance of monitoring her safety and regulating her emotions.
Adeline underwent corrective hip dysplasia surgery in 2018 and is currently taking medicine to help her attention span, which has proven helpful. Adeline continues to receive weekly speech, occupational, and physical therapy, as well as counseling. If you are interested in learning more about Adeline, please contact mary.chapman@gladney.org for more information. Also, be sure to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to see her adorable photos!