As you are exploring adoption as an option for your family, we are sure that you have many questions. Once a month we ask Mike & Astra a question about their adoption experience.
Adoption Advice
If you could share a message with families who are thinking about adopting a child, what would you say?

Adoption means more than being able to be a parent; it's a badge of honor for us. We wear it proud, and we're willing to share our journey with all who are interested. Adoption is work. Adoption is sacrifice. Adoption is love. Adoption is patience. One thing that we want to accomplish in life is to be a part of making adoption a more accepted, common way to build a family. Open your heart and dare to be different. Often society makes us feel like we have to fit in the mold, but it's okay for our family to be unique. Whatever way you journey to adoption, embrace it; love heals all wounds.
We encourage you to share this adoption advice with others and find out what advice your social network would provide.