Adoption Advice From Gladney Parents

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 3/13/19 10:11 AM

As you are exploring adoption as an option for your family, we are sure that you have many questions. Once a month we ask Mike & Astra a question about their adoption experience.

Adoption Advice


What does motherhood/fatherhood mean to you? 



Mike: Fatherhood is something I have planned and dreamed of for some time. To me, fatherhood makes my responsibilities whole, as I not only get to uphold the privilege of being a great husband, but also a great father. Fatherhood is not already being perfect, but striving to get there, doing whatever is necessary for my family. Fatherhood means being a good role model, fun, engaged, supportive, and one day watching my daughter blossom into a phenomenal woman. 


Adoption Advice

Astra: I have learned through the years of infertility that being a mother does not mean you have to birth your child. I've been a mother for years because of my heart for children, my desire to parent, my loss, and my pain. I'm a mother to my godchildren, and now I'm experiencing mothering my own child. It's the most important and rewarding job I'll ever have. It's an opportunity to influence the trajectory of a human life, encourage my daughter to be and accomplish anything, nurture her, and teach her to love, give back to society, and all the things she needs to survive in the world.

We encourage you to share this adoption advice with others and find out what advice your social network would provide. 

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