Autumn {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 3/6/19 7:33 AM
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We have new files of children from Taiwan. And I sort of kind of fell in love as soon as  open Autumn's file. I'm going to have to get a little creative with the photos to be able to share them here, but that is why you need to join our private Facebook group where we can post pictures we cannot post publicly. We are planning to be able to meet Autumn when we go to Taiwan in April, but I didn't want to wait that long to introduce her here. This little one is cute, cute, cute!


Autumn is 4 years old. She just started pre-kindergarten where her teachers describe her as very hard-working and persistent. Her speech is delayed compared to other children her age but she communicates very effectively.


She is an affectionate child who enjoys one-on-one attention. Right now she is in a foster family with 2 older sisters where she is doing well.

We cannot wait to meet her and give you all updated information and pictures soon! Wouldn't it be amazing if her family found her before our trip?! Please contact for more information about her.


Topics: Superkids, Taiwan

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