Regarding Asian culture, I am what my boys call a “Newbie”. Growing up in Central America, I was heavily exposed to the Spanish/Latin culture, but not Asian. So when I had a chance to travel to Taiwan to assist with Gladney’s Superkids program, I was a bit hesitant. However, I decided to make the best of it and immerse myself both into the culture and the Gladney Super Kids program. Gladney’s Superkids is a group of mental health and medical professionals who visit orphanages in Taiwan in an effort to help learn more about children who could potentially be matched for international adoption. What a wonderful opportunity, to learn and enjoy a new culture, while also serving children who are in need of a loving and caring family.

All I can say is that Taiwan was an amazing place. I guess I expected it to be more challenging, but honestly it wasn’t. It was calm, safe, enjoyable and fun. Every morning, before going to the orphanage, I walked across the street to 7-11 for my morning latte. In the evenings I Facetimed with my wife and boys and caught up on their day. The apartment we stayed in had air-conditioning, great wifi and a washer/dryer. I quickly adapted to Taiwan and truly enjoyed it.
What I also found was a country full of kind and caring people. From the people on the street, to the social workers in the orphanages, I found the Taiwanese people to be delightful. They all had a good sense of humor, they were extremely kind and generous, and most importantly, they were a community who cared for their kids. It was clear as you walked into the orphanages, that the staff and social workers were doing more than just a job. They truly loved the children they were serving and they demonstrated it through hugs, laughs and play. The children were also receiving multiple services. Almost of the children we met were in some type of occupational therapy, speech therapy and physical therapy. It was so impressive to see the effort and resources devoted to their children.
So why were we there? Primarily to find families for these children. Although their care at the orphanage was great, there is no replacement for a forever family. These children, as beautiful as they are, need moms and dads. If you are interested in learning more about Gladney’s Superkids please click here:
So, no longer can my boys call me a “Newbie”. I now know that Taiwan is a wonderful place, and it’s people and children are wonderful.