Gladney Team in Taiwan: Cathwel - Day 1

Posted by Superkids Team on 11/4/19 6:38 AM
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We had a wonderful first day in Taiwan at Cathwell orphanage. We met so many amazing children! We were all impressed with the well mannered and calm, zen-like persona of the older boys we met with.


One sweet and headstrong little girl told us “No,” when we requested that she try to count in English. She explained, “I am doing a puzzle right now, and if I count it will be too distracting.” Oh... the huge personalities in such little kiddos is such a joy to watch unfold!



We got to revisit with several sibling sets that we’ve met on previous trips. It’s such a pleasure to see them make progress on their assessments as compared to their last visit with us, however, we would love to see them grow and flourish even more in their own family! We are looking forward to getting to know more children tomorrow!

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan

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