Celebrating International Charity Day With A Birthday Pledge

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 9/5/18 2:15 PM

In honor of International Charity Day, we thought we would ask Kati Story some questions about her recent Birthday Pledge to Gladney

Gladney Birthday PledgeKati, why did you decide to pledge your birthday to Gladney?

"I was always interested in Gladney growing up. After I sang in the Trinity Valley Choir at Gladney one time, I fell in love with the mission there. I knew then that I was going to have a long history with Gladney. The next step was hosting my senior voice recital there to bring awareness to Gladney and the amazing work they do in Fort Worth and all over the world. After that, I was a marketing intern for Gladney for about a year. I didn't know it at that time, but getting to know the staff at Gladney and hearing how passionate they were made me passionate as well. Whether it was stuffing packets or meeting a family in the lobby that was about to meet their baby for the first time, Gladney is absolutely incredible!"

How did your friends & family respond to your birthday pledge?

"I was surprised! I have seen people pledge their birthday on Facebook before, but I never thought it would actually work. It was absolutely incredible how quickly people responded and how many conversations it led to after the fact." 

How did you feel as you saw people contribute?

"It made me happy that Gladney was able to benefit from a thought I had on a whim. Whether it is paying the light bill or helping Gladney provide care and support for just one more expectant mother, it is a joy to give to Gladney." 

How can someone pledge their birthday?

"Click the button below and set up your birthday pledge today!"

Start Your
Birthday Pledge Today

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