Charlie - Bright Futures 2020

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 7/5/20 4:13 PM


Parent Quote

Charlie_BabyWe were overjoyed and filled with happiness when we first met Charlie in Russia at the Baby House. It was a cold day in December, and he had been outside, so he was wrapped up completely. We were so happy when we saw his sweet face and knew we had found our precious baby boy. On adoption day when he spoke his first words "Ma Ma", he melted our hearts. We couldn't wait to get him home so he could meet his sister and the rest of our family.

About Charlie

Charlie was a 4-H member for eight years and has earned the title of Master 4-Her (State Winner) for Festive Foods for Health Project and Egg Preparation judging event. He placed second at the national level for Egg Preparation and participated in National 4-H Congress. Charlie was a 4-H Teen Leader and volunteered as a youth counselor at Horizons Summer Camp for disadvantaged youth. Charlie was a member of his church youth group where he sung in the youth choir that performed in choir tours in Canada and Boston. He also volunteered at Vacation Bible School and played basketball in the church league. He has played the piano for seven years and received Superior ratings in National Piano Playing Auditions.

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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

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