Claire {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 12/19/18 6:56 AM
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Oh Claire! Hang on to your hearts. This little sweetheart will tug all the heartstrings!

TANG BING QIAN September 2018 1



Claire is 4 years old and has congenital choroidal coloboma, weak vision,nystagmus, congenital microphthalmia, and esotrpia. Basically this means she has low vision. She has adapted to her vision issues incredibly well! She walks easily without assistance and is able to stack items through seeing them, not feeling. It appears her functional vision is around 20/80.

Tang Bing Qian - Nov 2018

She is described as having a sweet disposition, she feeds herself with her hands and can repeat words though her speech is delayed. She has developmental delays which are likely a combination of being in an institution and have vision issues, but a family needs to be

prepared for more significant delays initially.




TANG BING QIAN September 2018 2

 Someone please see this little one for who she is and bring her home! Contact us at for more information. We are blessed to have more information than we normally do with little Claire. We cannot wait to find her family and watch her come home!

Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Waiting Children

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