Dickson - Bright Futures 2021

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 6/19/21 4:36 PM

Dickson - Bright Futures 2021

Parent Quote

Dickson - Bright Futures 2021Like many, our journey was long - we waited almost two years for our son's arrival. Our caseworker's words at our first visit to Gladney rang true - "the baby that is meant for you is the one that is placed in your arms". Truer words have not been spoken. We were told that our son was a Texas-sized baby - 10 lbs 7 oz right before we met him and were completing paperwork. Turns out some info was reversed on his paperwork, and he was 7lbs 10oz - not the reverse! I don't think we fully grasped when we first met Dickson that he was ours. We all bonded right away - he was so easy and the time we needed to spend in Fort Worth before leaving the State was wonderful as it was mostly the three of us. We have truly been blessed and are forever grateful to his birth parents for their selfless act.

From the Graduate

Being adopted was always an aspect of my life that I knew, but until I grew older I never understood the depth and meaning of it. The love I have experienced from my family and friends throughout my life truly shows that family isn't always blood. The experience I have had in my life shows how powerful relationships and love can be. Adoption is a blessing. A blessing that provides the opportunity for me to do my very best, and in return, make the most of the blessings I've received. 

About Dickson

Dickson was very involved in high school. He was a member of the National Honor Society, a Campus Ministry minister and a member of Peer Support. Dickson was a four-year Varsity lacrosse player, which included being chosen as a captain his junior and senior year. He is planning on majoring in business in college and plans on attending college out of state in Georgia. 

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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

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