Elizabeth - Bright Futures 2020

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 7/12/20 4:17 PM


Parent Quote

Elizabeth_Baby_1We traveled over 5,000 miles to the Baby House in Russia to meet our beautiful five-month-old baby girl Elizabeth. We were overwhelmed with emotion when we finally met her and knew immediately, she belonged with us. We will always remember her singing on that train ride to Moscow once the adoption had been finalized. We were all so happy to bring our baby home. 

About Elizabeth

Elizabeth was involved in 4-H for eight years and actively participated in the International Project. She placed every year in the project and in 2019 won first place at District Project Achievement and fourth place at State 4-H Congress where she told her adoption story. She was active in the church youth group where she volunteered at Vacation Bible School, played in the church basketball league, sang in the youth choir (including Choir Tour to Boston), and volunteered at numerous elderly and youth activities. She performed in the youth play and musical productions for six years. She was on her school honor roll, played in a school guitar ensemble, and swam for six years on a summer swim team. Elizabeth plans to attend an Inclusive College program after graduation and wants to work in childcare.

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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

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