Gladney's Transitional Care

Posted by Tanya Houk on 12/29/20 10:44 AM

Gladney Transitional Care TeamVolunteer Transitional Care Families are often a crucial part of the adoption experience through The Gladney Center. This is especially true when the baby being placed for adoption enters the world facing medical challenges. In the hospital or at home, Transitional Care Parents provide a loving daily touch to babies in need of a family to help nourish and prepare that baby for a heathier future.  

The Gladney Center’s Transitional Care Services benefits the triad of clients involved in the adoption process. Birth parents do feel more comfortable once they witness the love and attention given to their baby by these supportive volunteers. Adoptive parents benefit from the knowledge and nurturing provided through the transitional care updates, and of course the baby benefits by receiving all the attention and extra love provided before placement day.

The Transitional Care Volunteers are an extraordinary blessing to Gladney. Laurel Purdue is just one of Gladney’s volunteers that cares for babies before they are placed into their forever family. Laurel recently spent 57 days at Medical City Plano visiting baby Colt while he grew stronger and Gladney located the perfect adoptive family.

Medical issues of the child being placed for adoption does sometimes add to the challenge of finding the best family needed for that particular baby, but with the help of Gladney’s transitional care volunteers, time is provided while the search and preparation for the babies’ future is achieved.  

Gladney Transitional CareTransitional Care is a program designed to assist birth parents in crisis by giving them the time and space to make loving decisions for their child. In the event of medical challenges, legal issues or emotional stressor associated with making a life-long plan, transitional care is there to help.   

The Gladney Center for Adoption has been building permanent loving families through adoption for over 130 years. If an immediate placement cannot occur the Transitional Care families not only care for the baby, but also assist by making the baby’s transition between the birth family and adoptive family as smooth as possible.

Gladney’s mission is to help infants and children find a permanent loving family, whether they have medical challenges or not. The success of this mission greatly depends on the understanding of the individual that touch the lives of these children. Transitional Care volunteers greatly contribute to this mission and the blessing of building families through adoption.


Topics: Insider, Adoption Services, Transitional Care

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