Glass Painting in the Home

Posted by Tiffany Ngeny on 6/22/21 9:00 AM

Do you ever plan something, then Mother Nature has other ideas? Well, this kind of happened with this week's activity. Initially, we were supposed to begin our first ever garden. I hyped the girls up by taking them to pick out different seeds, both flower and vegetable or fruit. That being said, the day before activity Thursday, the weather was not going to be garden friendly. Because of this, I had to come up with a new activity on the fly, but it wouldn’t have been the first time. For this week's activity I give the credit to one of the residential staff members. 


collection of  various white wood frames on white background. each one is shot separatelyAt times, tik-tok can be very useful and when it came to picking an activity, tik-tok was our light beam on a cloudy day. The required items for this activity were very simple, a glass photo frame, oil based sharpie, paint and a picture of your choosing. The day of this activity, there were blue skies and sunshine. The things we thought weren’t going to happen however, the show must go on and I did not have the supplies to garden anyway. I dashed to the dollar tree to drag a few picture frames, then went to three different stores trying to find oil based markers. By the time I got back to the home, the girls were already home from school. 


The staff who chose this week's activity showed the girls the tik-tok on how to do it. The instructions on how to do the glass painting were as such: 

            Step 1:  Chose a picture and print it

            Step 2: Trace the picture onto the glass using the oil based sharpie

            Step 3: Paint the small details of the picture first on the sharpie side

            Step 4: Work your way from the smaller details to the bigger ones


markersThe side you are painting on does not have to be the neatest and you do not have to stay completely in the line. The back side is guaranteed to look like a hot mess, but when you turn the picture around it will look magnificent. 


It took longer than expected to start the activity, but everyone who was at the home at that time participated, including the staff. Paintings that the girls did consisted of butterflies, Mickey Mouse, and lips. When one of the girls finished her painting she turned to me and asked if we could do it again another time. I don’t know about you, but this was a win for me.    


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