Happy Monday!

Posted by Superkids Team on 1/7/19 7:40 AM
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It is Monday morning. While the nation at large is waking up, loathe to begin another work week, those of us connected with the China adoption community wake up a little early and grab our phones or laptops to check social media sites.According to the drawings assembled toys with teacher

You see, in China, most adoptive parents meet their children on Monday mornings, which means Sunday night here in the US. We had some super special little Superkids meet their parents last night. I actually woke up a few times throughout the night and smiled at the pictures on Facebook. I watched a video of one little guy I've seen several times meet his parents, silently so as not to disturb my sleeping family. But I didn't need sound to see his shy smile. Or to see the wonder in his parents' eyes as they met this child they have dreamed of in real life.


I read of another little guy whose dad shared briefly of their meeting and stated that no matter what is ahead of his new son he will not need to face it alone. There were tears in my eyes as I read that sentence. It is what we hope for and work for and train our families for. 

I don't know how your Monday started out, but I'm glad I live a world where children are meeting parents and parents are meeting children. Happy Monday to each of you!

Topics: Superkids, China Adoption

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