This past week has been made up of forms, forms, and more forms. Don't get me wrong, I love paperwork and filing, it is what I am good at. Even so, finding the right forms to request a child abuse clearance in not easy when the state alters requirements every six months without notice. As a result of a sudden change, I uncovered a policy issue that can only be described as bad.
Georgia has been on my mind constantly and not in a good way. I discovered that as of July 1, 2016 there is no longer a "direct method by which a private child welfare agency can obtain CPS information for private foster and adoptive families" (GADFCS, 2016). This poses as issue for Hague regulations which requires child abuse clearance from every state in which an adoptive parent has resided. With nothing but frustration, I continue to look for a solution to this policy issue and still do not see one. This hurdle has been a major roadblock in the way of preparing family's documents and it continues to be one. I have called every number the state of Georgia will release to find information but each one has led me to another dead end.

Georgia may be glad it's on my mind but I want it out of my mind.
After talking with Beth, the intercountry adoption caseworker, she emailed the National Council for Adoption (NCFA) intercountry group to see if anyone has encountered the same problem. As it turns out, there are many individuals facing the same obstacle but there has been no success so far with obtaining the clearance.
What I have learned from this experience is the value of using your resources and co-workers. Even though I did not receive the answer I was hoping for, I discovered that I am not the only one struggling with this new policy. I have also learned that giving up is never the answer. For now, I will continue to search for a solution and will not give up until I find one. Even with this recent trial, I know that International Adoption is where I am meant to be and I hope to work toward changing this policy so that my job can be simplified in the future.
By: Alex Gideon
International Adoption Colombia Intern
It was only appropriate to use the Georgia font for this post.
Only one peach was harmed in the making of this blog (my snack).
If you have any questions about adoption, know someone facing an unplanned pregnancy, are considering adoption yourself, or just want to get involved and/or educated on the subject, please don’t hesitate to contact Gladney. We would love to talk to you!