We are excited to introduce Joyce! Joyce was born in 2015 and is 7 years old.

Joyce LOVES to sing and dance! Her favorite sing along songs are "Baby Shark", “Cagabrie Island" and "Jasmine". Joyce also enjoys riding on a motor scooter because she enjoys looking around at the sights and feeling the wind in her hair!
Those who know Joyce say she has a gentle personality. She likes to act cute and will become lively around familiar people. Joyce has a good relationship with her foster parents and gets excited when their 7 year old grandson visits on the weekend. They get along well and play with each other for hours.
Joyce presents with global delays and has Epilepsy and Thalassemia. It is suspected she has ADHD. Joyce attends OT and PT sessions. Joyce attends special education classes at elementary school and an afterschool class. She is making progress with her language skills and can respond to questions with single words.
Are you a family that can support Joyce with growing her language skills? Enjoy singing along to nursery rhymes with her? If you think you could be the right family for Joyce, please contact us at to review her profile.
To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children. To see more photos of Joyce, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.
*Don’t forget to register for our next virtual information session to learn more about adopting from Taiwan.*