James - Bright Futures 2021

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 9/19/21 7:00 AM

James - Bright Futures 2021

Parent Quote

James Bright Futures 2021We became a family on December 23. After a long delay to get his passport issued, James flew across the world to us and we met him for the first time at our pediatrician's office so he could have his checkup and be able to go home with us for Christmas. The day was stormy and we didn't know if his flight would arrive on time. Another hour and the office would be closed and no doctors available until after the holidays. It was a miracle everything worked out and we got the best Christmas present ever.

From the Graduate

Being adopted has been a blessing in my life as I have two great parents who care very much about me and want the best for me in life. It has provided me with a great life and many opportunities to be thankful for. In my athletics career I would not be where I am without the help and support from my parents. My future plans are to play college baseball and a big reason I was able to earn that is because of my parents. Being adopted has impacted my life in many ways. Thank you, Gladney.

About James

James has been involved with sports since he played T-ball at age three. He met one of his best friends playing baseball and found out he was a Gladney baby, too. He has accepted an offer to play college baseball this fall and will be majoring in Business. He hopes to have a future career in the sports industry as a coach or sports journalist.

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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

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