Jimmy Needs a Loving Family: Could It Be You?

Posted by Sarah Hansen on 1/13/25 4:50 PM

Seeing the world and rediscovering it through the eyes of a toddler is one of the many joys of parenting a little one. With Jimmy’s inquisitive personality, he’ll make a great tour guide for all those new adventures and discoveries before ending the day with hugs and a favorite bedtime story.Jimmy (1)

At just 2 years old, Jimmy has shown determination, resilience, and focus. He has cerebral palsy and successfully uses a walker or takes steps while holding someone’s hands. He currently uses corrective shoes in place of leg braces when he walks, but still prefers crawling to get where he’s going. Jimmy has lumbar lordosis and tightness in his hip joints. 

Jimmy had surgery shortly after his premature birth to treat intraventricular hemorrhage and obstructive hydrocephalus. He uses simple words, can say three-word sentences, and likes to problem-solve without getting frustrated. 

Cuddling is something he enjoys with people who he is familiar with and he warms up to others after cautiously observing—especially if they playfully engage with him. He is active, outgoing, and affectionate and enjoys balls and moving cars. When listening to music, he keeps beat by moving his body to the rhythm.  

Jimmy (4)Jimmy’s future family should be ready to offer the warm hands to reach out and help him achieve all his goals. They should be his biggest fans to cheer him on and encourage him through his continued development. 

If you think you might be Jimmy’s future parents, please contact us at Superkids@gladney.org to review his profile! 


To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children. To see more photos of Jimmy, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.

Learn more about adopting a child from Taiwan  

Adopting from Taiwan provides a loving home to a child waiting for their forever family. Families who choose to adopt from Taiwan benefit from a transparent adoption process and the chance to connect with children of varying ages and backgrounds. With Taiwan’s focus on the well-being of children, prospective adoptive parents can feel confident knowing they are part of a system that prioritizes ethical practices and comprehensive support.

When considering international adoption, Taiwan stands out for its organized process, including the availability of medical and developmental information about the children. Families are often encouraged to maintain a connection to Taiwanese culture, ensuring children who were adopted grow up with an understanding of their heritage. Agencies experienced in helping families adopt from Taiwan are invaluable resources. The Gladney Center for Adoption offers guidance every step of the way—from initial inquiries to bringing your child home.

If you’re ready to take the first step to adopt from Taiwan, connect with a member of our international team. They can help answer your questions, navigate the process, and connect you to valuable resources. By choosing to adopt from Taiwan, you’re not only changing a child’s life but also enriching your own in ways you can’t imagine.


Topics: Superkids, International Adoption

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