Raising brothers can be a journey filled with moments of chaos, camaraderie, and growth. From teaching them how to share and resolve conflicts to cheering on their growing friendship, every day brings new challenges and rewards. Like most siblings, Jon and Judah have some similarities like being social and exploring new places, but they are also unique in their individual strengths and challenges.
Five-year-old Jon is a pretty level-headed kindergartener, but he excels among his peer group when it comes to his persistence and determination. He knows how to stand for what he wants. He can master tasks easily if he’s interested, but can be a little distracted when presented with something he’s not so interested in. He enjoys TV shows like Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig, and MasterChef, but also likes to head outside to run around and play sports. Jon experiences some developmental delay with suspected ADHD.
Judah is excellent at initiating new friendships and gets along well with others. In typical six-year-old fashion, he can show some big emotions when he doesn’t want to do something; however, he is able to calm down pretty quickly and listen. He likes to play house and will want a hug if he hears thunder or fireworks. Judah shows signs of moderate intellectual disabilities with developmental delays.
These brothers need a family that is ready to explore new places, meet new people, and offer support and patience as they navigate life.
If you think you might be Judah and Jon’s future parents, please contact us at Superkids@gladney.org to review their profiles!
To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children. To see more photos of Jon and Judah, request to join Gladney's private Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.