Kellet's Trip {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 8/2/24 7:17 PM
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This is how it all began. . .

Cooking with Kellet

“Hello there, Mary! We are definitely open to being a host family and helping advocate for a nine-year-old boy! We look forward to hearing more information about him!” --Krystin and Matt

After spending a week with Kellet in July, Krystin and Matt want to share this:

“In our time with Kellet we witnessed him so courageously entrust us with showing his incredible personality and strengths. From being able to have him in our home for a week, we quickly discovered that he is such a tender, witty, considerate, and innovative little boy. 

We quickly observed him demonstrating exceptional intuition and skills with all things creative. When it comes to drawing, acting, music, and cooking, he is naturally gifted. Kellet is artistic, imaginative and incredibly perceptive.


He naturally felt drawn to the kitchen and was so eager as he learned to cook various dishes. He even found a cookbook from our local library which we checked out to use as inspiration for the meals we prepared!


Before Taiwan Summer Camp ended, he thoughtfully gave us art he had created to display on our refrigerator.

Kellet is kind, thoughtful, and generous as he was consistently mindful to include others. In preparation for the program escorts and staff of Gladney to visit our home, Kellet gleefully helped prepare the food and set a place at the table for each of our guests without being asked to do so. He even put together a fruit tray in the shape of a Pokémon, which is one of his favorite shows! Kellet considerately ensured everyone had food, drinks, and a place to sit. He is so passionate about making sure everyone feels included!

Kellet is incredibly witty and funny! He enjoys inside jokes, playfulness, and bursting out in song and dance! In his zeal for life, he can occasionally become energetic or inattentive, but he is also able to be redirected. He might need a few gentle reminders at times to stay on task, but he is able to do so when he is met with kindness and care. 

Kellet is so intentionally thoughtful and generous. At the beginning of Taiwan Summer Camp, he was given a few United States dollars to use to get any souvenirs he wanted while on vacation. He conscientiously saved his money throughout the trip. Although he didn’t buy himself anything, we made sure to get him little souvenirs to help him remember this trip. The day before he was to fly back to Taiwan, we went to the craft store to buy a photobook to include all of the amazing memories of our time together. While walking around, he told us he wanted to give us a gift and then he picked out the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. We reassured him he did not need to give us anything, but he insisted that he wanted to. He proudly paid for the flowers with his own money and then found a special vase to put them in when we got back to the house. This memory epitomizes who Kellet is: considerate, loving, and so very kind.


As Kellet’s future parents, you could have the honor of showing support for him as he grows and develops into all that he is meant to be.  If you would like to learn more about Kellet, please contact me at  After also spending time with Kellet, I would like to answer any questions that prospective adoptive parent may have about him!

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

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