We are excited to introduce our newest sibling group, Kate and Khloe! Kate is a healthy, 7-year-old girl. She is not timid and will take the initiative to interact with unfamiliar adults and peers. Kate has age-appropriate cognitive, verbal, and motor development, as well as good self-care skills.
She started 1st grade in 2020 and is proactive in her learning. Kate’s file indicates that she has some behavioral issues and can be easily aroused emotionally by her peers. Kate is able to express her wishes and feelings most of the time, however she has trouble distinguishing right from and wrong. Kate is most happy when interacting or kicking a ball with peers or teachers. She forms relationships well and will bring snacks and fruits home from school to share with her caregivers. Kate is becoming more open to adoption and wants to be adopted together with her little sister Khloe.

Khloe will be celebrating her 6th birthday soon. She began pre-school this year and made good adjustments in her new environment. She is able to form relationships easily, is willing to accept new people and places, and maintains mostly positive and stable emotions. Khloe exhibits age-appropriate cognitive, verbal, and motor development. She is able to follow instructions well and understands right from wrong. Khloe has good sleeping and eating habits. Other than potentially needing glasses, she is overall healthy. Khloe prefers meat and dislikes green vegetables. Her file indicates she likes reciting Chinese poems and is most happy after receiving praise and encouragement from others. Khloe is optimistic about adoption and finding a new mommy and daddy.
Kate and Khloe have primarily resided together since birth. They are currently placed at the same children’s home. It is expected these two girls will be adopted together. Videos of Kate and Khloe show them laughing and having fun together, and Kate teaching Khloe how to make a paper airplane. Our records indicate there is a bit of sibling rivalry, but if you’ve ever lived with a sister at that age, you know it’s normal to argue and fight about things. If you are interested in learning more about Kate and Khloe, please contact for more information! Also, be sure to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to see more of their adorable photos and impressive videos!