Let's Meet One-Year Old Lola {China}

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/19/20 9:32 AM
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Are you ready for some cuteness?! Check out Lola, so fancy in her red dress with her hair in a little ponytail! I’m thinking bows would be a hit!Lola

Her file describes her as active, cheerful, smart and clever. She is loved by teachers and caretakers.

Lola’s communication and cognitive development has progressed since coming into care at age 1.5 years. She is now able to ask for help, express her needs, respond to simple questions, and although not potty trained she can express herself when she needs to use the bathroom. She enjoys therapy and learning about facial features, playing a clapping game, and imitating sign language.


She likes to ride on the scooter, go down the slide and explore, taking walks inside and outside! She can build a 5-6 block tower with blocks, loves balls, listening to Opera music and matching shapes in a puzzle. Her file reports that she has fallen in love with “painting” and “going to the theater”. She loves dancing and when she sees a cell phone, she gets excited, starts dancing and in her own way, asks for Opera music to be played! She’s my kind of gal!


Lola’s needs are listed as post op CHD, Down syndrome and pigeon breast.

Lola’s file was recently prepared and she has many photos and videos for review. Want to learn more about Lola? Contact superkids@gladney.org! 


Topics: Superkids, China Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child, China

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