Lexie - Bright Futures 2020

Posted by Gladney Center for Adoption on 5/27/20 3:01 PM


Parent Quote

Lexie_BabyMy husband and I fell in love with Lexie at first sight. She was so precious and smiled right back at us when her transitional family handed her to me. She had a full head of hair that would have naturally been sticking straight up if it were not for a bow and hair gel that was attempting to tame it. Our emotions ranged from pure joy to utter terror, but I truly cannot remember a happier day for us as a family.

From the Graduate

I feel adoption is being brought into a family that accepts you for who you are and loves you unconditionally. I have learned that adoption is a very difficult process and I can't imagine what my adoptive parents and my birth mother went through to give me the life I have now. I'm grateful my birth mother wanted to give me the opportunity to have a better life than she was able to provide me. I have recently been introduced to her and her family. I feel blessed to have her in my life. She is an inspiration to me.

From Lexie

Lexie lettered in both softball and soccer. She participated in five mission trips with her church youth group and four mission trips with her school. She personally raised thousands of dollars to fight world hunger through the World Vision 30 Hour Famine. Lexie blesses everyone with her gift of music when she plays guitar and sings. She is planning to continue to help people by pursuing a career in the medical field as a sonographer.

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Topics: Adoption Stories, Gladney Adoptee, Bright Futures Publication, Gladney Graduate

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