We are excited to introduce Nate! Nate was born in 2018 and is 5 years old.
Some of Nate's favorite activities include building blocks, playing with toy cars and outings to the local park to play on the oversized slide! Those who know Nate describe him as outgoing, lively and optimistic. He is not shy around new people and builds relationships quickly.
Nate resides with his foster mother, her grandfather, a 12 year old foster sister and 5 year old foster brother. He has a good relationship with his foster mother and often wants to cuddle with her. He enjoys talking with his foster brother and playing imaginary play house with his foster sister.
Additional family history and medical information is contained in Nate’s full profile. We will share his file with families who meet program requirements. It is suspected Nate has speech and borderline cognitive delays. He attends weekly occupational therapy and speech therapy sessions. Nate is enrolled in pre-school at a local elementary school and has stated he enjoys attending classes. At recess, he can be found pretending he is a prince overlooking his kingdom with his classmates.
Could you imagine going on new adventures with Nate? Do you have time to give him extra help with further developing his verbal skills? If you think you could be the right family for Nate, please contact us at Superkids@gladney.org to review his profile.
To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children. To see more photos of Nate, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to see his photos and videos!!