We met sweet, shy Adalyn last spring shortly before she turned 7 years old, and I’ve thought about her often. We could tell she was nervous to meet with us, which is understandable, but slowly over the morning we saw more of her personality shine through. Her caregivers described her as gentle, easy-going, but that she can also have a bit of stubborn streak.
Adalyn was excited to have her make-up done by our photographer, Erin. When she saw herself in the mirror afterwards her eyes lit up! After that, she wanted to spend time with Erin and brought a book over to look at with her. So sweet!

Adalyn’s social workers told us that she enjoys music, and both dancing and singing. She also likes playing house and loves her Elsa doll. Adalyn has been living in the same foster family since November 2016, and she lived with her birth family before that. We have Adalyn’s full profile which includes information about her time living in her birth family.