Meet Jacob {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 6/2/22 9:45 AM
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Please join us as we introduce Jacob! Jacob was born in 2013 and almost 9 years old.

 Waiting Children - Gladney Center for Adoption

Jacob's favorite activity is building and playing with transformer robots. When building a Transformer, he is fully focused while following instructions to ensure he does it right! He also enjoys playing with toy cars, drawing, hula-hooping, and running. Those who know him say “Jacob has a lively personality and is not afraid of strangers".

Jacob is living in a residential home with 6 children of similar ages. He attends elementary school, where he makes high marks on his school work. Jacob has a diagnosis of ADHD and his treatment plan includes medication.

Could you imagine yourself building robots with Jacob? Cheering him on from the stands at his first track and field race? Don’t hesitate to reach out to to learn more about how to review his file!

To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children. To see more photos of Jacob, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.

*Don’t forget to register for our next virtual information session to learn more about adopting from Taiwan.*

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

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