MATCHED! | Meet June from Taiwan

Posted by Superkids Team on 10/22/21 8:58 AM
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As of now, October 2021, June is getting ready to celebrate her 2nd birthday! We have several photos and videos that we can’t share publicly, so please be sure to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to see June.  

Waiting Children - Gladney Center for Adoption

June is a quiet and relatively shy little girl. She has a good attachment relationship with her foster mother and acts cutely for affection. June is cautious and takes her time accepting strangers and once she feels comfortable, she has good interpersonal interactions and social smiles. June has a regular daily schedule. Although she is a picky eater, she will drink 2 bottles of PediaSure every day to get her nutritional supplements. When drinking milk or porridge, she is fed with a small spoon. June sleeps soundly at night.  

June likes music. She can make the sounds of “da-da-da” and “ma-ma-ma.”. She can clap her hands, wave goodbye, and high-five with others! June has several diagnoses including overall developmental delays and cerebral palsy. Since May 2020, June has received occupational and physical therapy for 30 minutes at the hospital weekly. June’s file contains extensive developmental evaluations and early intervention directions for prospective families. June needs a loving and caring family to support her along the way! To learn more about this darling little girl, please contact 

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

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