Meet Kip {Taiwan}

Posted by Superkids Team on 2/13/20 12:46 PM
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We met Kip for the first time in November 2019, and what a cutie! He was a little shy with us and wasn’t too into trying all of our tasks. But, hey, we’re weird looking and weird sounding strangers! He did warm up to us after some time and we got to see a playful side to him. He loves to play house, especially with kitchen toys. Maybe he’ll be a chef one day!

Kip will be turning 6 years old in March and he’s been living in the same foster family for almost 4 years. His foster mother told us that when he’s in a familiar environment he is lively and out-going. This is confirmed in the reports we have for him, which state how he is friendly with good social skills.

Kip has some developmental delays and attends school at a developmental center. His foster mother told us that his skills are the best of his peers. During our visit with him we were able to get confirmation that he is pretty on target for speech and motor skills. Kip is also diagnosed with insufficient growth factors and hypothyroidism.Kip3resized

For more information on Kip and to review his full profile, please be in touch with

Topics: Superkids, Taiwan Adoption, Waiting Children, Waiting Child

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